Drug addiction is a condition that affects millions of individuals and their families every day. The devastation that drug addiction leaves in its wake can be felt in relationships, careers and the health of the individual struggling with the disease. The combination of therapies and medical detox helps patients stop using illicit substances and learn how to live a sober life.
An addict seldom cares about the source of drugs. They might resort to immoral behaviours like begging, borrowing, or stealing, to ensure a steady supply of drugs. Their ethical lines are blurred, and the sole aim is to find your next fix.
An addict may experience signs of paranoia. They begin to doubt the intentions of everyone around them. They may develop irrational fears and assume that people are only after their life or wealth. They may start to hear voices or see or feel things that do not exist.
An addict’s body may undergo strange experiences like shakes and hand trembles when they are not under the influence of drugs. The only way to stabilise themselves is to reach out for another fix. Drug intake is no longer a choice but a crucial (and apparently the only) escape from physical and mental discomfort.
You don’t care about the source of your drink. You might resort to unethical and often criminal behaviour like begging, borrowing, or stealing; to keep the supply of alcohol flowing. Your ethical lines are blurred, and your only mission is to drink.
Drug addiction is a chronic dependence on a drug substance such that the person finds it impossible to do anything if the drug is not taken. It is the worst nightmare of any person’s life as well as of their family. Individuals suffering from addiction are not aware of their behaviour and it leads to problems and embarrassing situations for them as well as others. Drug abuse is a disorder directly influenced by biological, social, environmental and psychological factors. It impairs the thinking capacity of the person by damaging the areas of the brain related to motivation, memory, impulse control and judgement. With increased tolerance to the drug substance comes increased craving.